Wednesday, January 10, 2007

made it!

Were in Bangkok! After a terrible tearful goodbye, 4 gravols (life savers), 30 hours hours and lots of really BAD food.. we made it. I like Bangkok, its really chill and HOT. ALOT of backpackers, millions of hippies. The food/beer is delicious and cheap the people are really pushy....always trying to sell you jusk. kinda like mexico. Actually it kinda reminds me of Mexico only weirder.. and the food is alot better. The first night we made it till 9pm, which is 9am in Toronto. We had Thai food, a beer, then a 3 dollar 45 min thai massage. Man, it was nice, I was in heaven. I kept 1/2 falling asleep and I kept thinking that the people walking on the floor was turbulence and I was still on the plane?!

Yesterday we spent the day driving in a tuk tuk (no doors, or windows!) through the worst pollution EVER to see the rest of the city since we had to wait here till Thursday to get our Vietnamese visas. We saw alot of dirty old men in the park, which was sad, they are with these poor young Thai girls (or boys?!)...the sex trade here is really bad and everyone just turns a blind eye because it brings in alot of money, sex tourism its called. Brutal.

Then we found these weird big lizards. We think they were Kimodo dragons but they probably aren't. I saw my first Monks (see flickr pics)! I got a blister walking around from my flip flops and put lip gloss on it. it works like a charm. no more pain. We saw a man with 4 nipples selling bags to backpackers on Koh San road. We ate curry, had a couple beers and a facial then went to bed (yes, we have started a nightly spa treatment ritual, at these prices who wouldn't!) Everything here is cheap beyond belief, its hard to spend money here! So tonight we are off to Chang Mai on an overnight train for some trekking and riding elephants in the jungle. I am so excited! I miss you all so much, i wish you could see this place! its like mars. haha. xoxo :)

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