Wednesday, October 04, 2006

e-bombing and going crazy...

Well..the title sums up the last 3 months of my life...well the last year really.

e-bombing is a term I coined for sending more than 4 emails in a row, to one person, about the same subject, without getting a reply within a 5 minute time span. Andrea and I have perfected the art of e-bombing each other, all night, 7 days a week... sometimes reaching up to 100 plus email's a night...Often bringing unsuspecting victims into our world of madness and confusion (sorry guys). Never mind the text messaging, I wont even go there.

So..whats so important that we must email and text constantly for a year you ask? Well... we are planning our great escape. Which, as you can imagine, takes alot of planning. Here's the coles notes version:

Leave January, fly to Bangkok. Travel Asia /India
Go to Africa in May to volunteer for a while here:

Travel East and South Africa until we either go broke or burn out and go home, or go to South America.

The original plan we devised in October 2005 was a "Round the World" trip... but we obsess about Africa and don't know if we will ever get past it. I am so completely fascinated by that continent. So after a year of surfing, posting, carpooling, saving, making spreadsheets and working multiple we are...3 more months.

1 comment: said...

3 months and 1 day to be precise Ms. Buchanan ; )