Saturday, January 06, 2007

"on a freight train with no brakes..."

In 24 hours we will be soaring through the skies of New York State. Gulp. I am just sitting here, not really sure if whats going on is real. My going away party was awesome (thanks everyone!) and its been great to have a week off to spend some time with my sisters and parents (Mr. and Mrs. Costanza), get packed and sleep in.

We were a bit freaked out last week when 9 bombs went off in Thailand on new years eve. So...we had to alter our plans with a little less Thailand, thats fine though, i am most excited about Vietnam anyways. So thats it. Lets see how I deal with the 24 hour flight.. me...who has ADD and OCD. I go bananas after 2 hours in a car, should be interesting to say the least. OH..and nevermind saying goodbye to Martin and Steph tomorrow at the airport. That will be a whole separate soap opera on its own :(

SO i will have one last 80's party tonight than 9am, drive to Buffalo. wish me luck!


Heather Turcotte said...

I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures. Safe travels my friend.

kelly said...

hey boo...hope everything is going well. i miss you and cant wait to hear from you! xoxox kelly